Sitecore 9 Update 2 Installation Guide Step by step

Sitecore 9 Update 2 just released before couple of days. and in this post I will show you how to have a quick Sitecore installation on your machine.

First Step: Prepare Folder that contain all the required package and Configurations  File
  1.  Create Folder C:\SitecoreInstall that will contain all your configurations
  2. Install the On Premises package and extract it in C:\SitecoreInstall from

  3. Extract XP0 Configuration files 9.0.2 rev. which contain the Configuration files
  4. Added your License file license.xml to C:\SitecoreInstall
  5. Kamsar provide great script help you which Generate trusted local SSL cert for Solr install it from and add it to C:\SitecoreInstall
  6. Now your Folder should look like 

Second Step : Solr Installation

  1. Download the solr from

  2. Extract the file on C drive

  3. Copy solrssl.ps1 from C:\SitecoreInstall to C:\solr-6.6.2\server

  4. Open the powershell as admin and run Powershell.exe -File C:\solr-6.6.2\server\solrssl.ps1 this will generate a trusted, self-signed certificate
  5. Now you should update your C:\solr-6.6.2\ by add below

        set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
        set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=$KeystorePassword
        set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
        set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=$KeystorePassword

Third Step :Run Solr as service

Now you need run solr as services so I will use NSSM

  1.  Download latest version from and Add extract to the same folder C:\SitecoreInstall
  2. Run the following command on power shell
    C:\SitecoreInstall\nssm-2.24-103-gdee49fc\win64\nssm install solr
  3. Fill the below data and click install service as show below

         Path= C:\solr-6.6.2\bin\solr.cmd
         Startup directory= C:\solr-6.6.2\bin
         Arguments= start -f -p8933

After that you will find servie installed with name Solr

Fourth Step : PowerShell and SQL preparations:
  1. Install SitecoreFundamentals by run the below command on Powershell

    Install-Package SitecoreFundamentals -Version 1.1.0 -Source
  2. Install SitecoreInstallFramework  by run the below command on Powershell
    Install-Package SitecoreInstallFramework -Version 1.2.1 -Source
  3. Make sure that you have SQL server 2016 SP2 you can install the free developer edition by following those steps
  4. Also make sure that you have you have SQL Server Authentication

Final Step : Now we need to update the script Parameter and  run the Installation script you can find
  1. Take copy from and add that to your folder C:\SitecoreInstall
  2. Update all parameters and set your Database username and  password

  3. For me because I use Solr 6.6.2 instead of 6.6.1 which the default installation  configuration have so you can download the  updated the configuration from
    I just update the Solr to be  6.6.2 instead of 6.6.1 and the port to be 8983 in the below two file
         - sitecore-solr.json
         - xconnect-solr.json
  4. Run the below in Power shell to execute the the script
    Powershell.exe -File C:\SitecoreInstall\All\Install.ps1

    After the Tasks completed you can enjoy browsing your instance using the name you select 


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